Be Who You Say You Are Poem by Joshua Mccoy

Be Who You Say You Are

Do not split into a two faced color scheme when I appear before you

You lie with words to make me feel special and then betray me in the worst way

My hopes were forced to rise higher and higher each day.

I appear for our date and you say not one word to me while you stay clutched to a friend

You are an ameba that refuses to live up to the expectations you yourself set

My dreams of fantasy

Left you dripping wet

And now you call for another guy’s arm and cling to him like a little girl clutching her daddy’s big, strong arm while touring a carnival in wonder and then turn upward to smile in joy

It makes me sick how truth never lingered long in our relationship.

One false promise after another left my heart a pile of scattered crumbs upon a bloody floor

My better half untainted by lust

Reaches into the closet and pulls out a dust pan and broom to sweep my shattered heart off the floor.

So many words shared and exchanged like currency

Easily evaporated again like a cup of water out in summer heat

When reality comes in and tells you to wake up

From a world built entirely of fantasy and resides only in your dreams

Do not succumb to the gaping doorway filled to the brim with whispy shadowed, outstretched hands

And get sealed in a world where the soul is snapped in half and drowned in the lost hopes of fragmented dreams

A world I never want a round trip ticket to.

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