Beato Vincenzo Romano. Poem by PAUL COLVIN

Beato Vincenzo Romano.

One single hand, an act of Faith, commands the lava; Stop!
The townsfolk gather, pray as one, against this Act of God.
The carnage looked like scenes from hell, as burning bodies ‘round them fell
Terror, chaos, mass destruction, life consumed at every junction.

The death toll rose as families fled, horrified by boiling dead
Melted faces, molten skin, their bones tossed up and lay within
This boiling torrent not content, annihilation its intent
As lives and homes were swept away, courageously they stood to pray.

The site where once this hand reached out, a statue stands for a most devout
Local Padre who led the town, in prayer, as lava tumbled down.
Tormented by Torrese tears, he begged them all cast out their fears
And stand with him to pray to God, The Lord would halt this flaming flood.

The townsfolk flocked into the square, below the blackened poisoned air
They prayed their voices would be heard, that all Torrese could be spared.
Still the thrashing lava flowed, its molten running river glowed
As the crowd fell to their knees and prayed that all disasters be allayed.

They prayed for life with words of love hear our prayers, dear Lord above
Their trembling hearts and shaking bones were lifted by the Padre’s tones.
He had Faith enough for all, no more Torrese here would fall
The lava loomed above the square, destroying all despite their prayers.

The lava had covered all in sight and prayers were said all through the night
Vincenzo’s Faith would not concede, give in or yield to Nature’s deed.
Their strength in prayer grew evermore, dismissing Vesuvio’s mighty roar,
Destruction, anguish, panic, pain but the Padre’s prayers were not in vain.

Mercilessly, the torrent raged and with his words, The Padre waged
To free Torrese from this hell, with God’s love send a miracle.
He struck his hand out to the foe and with God’s help did halt the flow,
Torrese should act and now acquaint, with the man, who one day, will be their saint.

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