Beauty Within Poem by Kris topher

Beauty Within

Rating: 5.0

Its a well known fact that the beauty intact
In your body and soul is shown in you
With the things that you do and the way you can act
Makes my heart have desires raging with fires

Not only your hair and eyes make me stare
But you're sexy inside although it may hide
At times when you're mad but you still make me glad

The Beautiful tone in your voice on the phone
Is only a part of that wonderful heart
That your beautiful body and soul hold within
You are so wow that it could be a sin

It pushes the world to have lustrious thoughts
I want to take you to one of the cots
And give you one hell of a night, of a time
Make it as fun as this strange little rhyme

You are the most beautiful girl
Even as cute as a tiny brown squirrel
Not only what shows from your head to your toes
But what lies concealed within what you yield

Margaret Alice 30 August 2007

This is really a most enjoyable rhyme and the poet emphasises the fact that beauty is more than skin-deep - 'wonderful heart, beautiful body and soul - lies concealed within' - therefore the poet's desire to create a positive experience for the object of his affection becomes an expression of appreciation for something extraordinary - thank you for this contribution and keep writing! Kind regards, Margaret.

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