Before Your Gardens Begin To Die Poem by M D Dinesh Nair

Before Your Gardens Begin To Die

In these scorching sun and then the times ahead,
We shall ask the redeemer sun for a favour
'Be kind, be kind sir',
And perchance he obliges us!

When our gardens die for a season
We have to rehabilitate our butterflies,
We shall ask the rain clouds for a favour
'Open your sluice gates and keep them open, sirs',
And let us presume their benevolence to stay.

When we stand near the plants later
Let us whisper into their petals sweet and soft
A lyric that speaks of our great love and care
That transcends the might of the cosmic chaos.
And perhaps we are to win for a cause!

A few flying birds may come down to our abodes
And may ask all of a sudden, `How are you friends? `
We shall never tell the lie, 'Fine pals'
But shall stand in our gardens and ask them
'Why don`t you join us in saving our gardens? '

If nothing happens around us ever after that
Before our gardens begin to die for ever
We shall slip into a slumber and wake up not for long
And then begin to flee unto the world of dreams.
Let the spinning earth hide her head somewhere!

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