Between Words And Wisdom Poem by Lynn Anne Brown

Between Words And Wisdom

Sometimes I find the no matter how I play with them; coax, coddle or struggle to make them understandable, I find that words often fall short in the their ability to make my meaning truly known.

And I know it's not the fault of words themselves. They provide a vast array of symbols from which to weave my songs and stories and to record those brief but wondrous glimpses I have have into worlds beyond the veil.

I want to able to write of magic, the kind that is fuelled by the love of beauty and whose purpose is to sustain and promote it.

I want to say that beauty is a composite of all the things that make life worth living.

That beauty lies in being well fed, well clothed, well housed, well taken care of.

That it can be found in anything if one can find the time to look.

That nothing feels better than the warmth that accompanies a smile that reaches up into the eyes and down into the heart, no matter whether it be given or received.

I want to talk about the incredible sense of belonging that occurs when these heartfelt smiles are shared.

I want to talk about the blessings that they bring.

I want to talk about how they can make even the most frightened child feel safe.

I want to talk about how truly frightened the child in me really is, without being dismissed as weak or stupid or worse, enticing someone to play on those fears.

I want to use my words to help create a place where children of all ages can play safely without fear of ridicule and bullying.

I want them to help me find ways to heal the wounds that make make so many flinch at the thought of trusting one another.

I want them to remind me of things I already know about how to do this and also of the things I still need to learn.

I want to learn to resist using them just to make a point.

I want to get better at turning them into invitations to explore the wonder and beauty to found both within and without.

I want to learn how to bridge the gap between Words and Wisdom so that I can enjoy my love of both.

I want the power to create and promote the beauty which Wisdom so much adores.

I want to remember how to be Beautiful in the eyes of Wisdom.

I want to remember Beauty itself.

This is what I want to do with Words. So now I need to ask you, Words; Do you want to do join me in doing this?

Hmmmmmmmm............I think maybe, I already have the answer.

Lynn Anne Brown

Lynn Anne Brown

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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