Beyond Common Reach Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems

Beyond Common Reach

Inbuilt height, depth and breadth inside,
Light the rare fire of self-confidence;
Deep and calm warmth of trust in self,
Raises lonely soul from the trifles of the world;
One who nestles in own concrete cell
Of warmth and rare impassable treasures,
Least envy the worlds of rise and fall,
Of strife, struggle, rat race and deceit;
He shines on own like the sun in the sky
And subdues nether world with his dazzling light.

The sun has care for all hills, moles and dales,
For the vast deserts and sylvan green lanes
At his great height and endless dazzling prowess;
He is an all-levelling fierce source of might;
He is a self-luminous life-bestower for all;
He touches all the world with no passion stirred
As it reaches him in the nature's patient cycle;
Nothing shakes his world of the rarest rare treasures,
Nothing swells the pride of his luxurious golden shine,
For, he lives on his riches, beyond common reach.

No prism can resolve his candent pure glow,
No chameleonic shifts strain his face;
His lamp streams light in overpowering voltage
That blinds weak eyes to grope for light;
His sack is full with rare magical tools,
His bag is heavy with bright precious stones,
All, in compact pack, inside his golden cage,
Where none have a peek except himself,
Where none have a peek except himself;
He sits in confidence, within, in carefree joy.

The courage of weight that warms inside
Paves the smooth path of calm confidence
Through the gulfs of hell and the heights of paradise;
Strides of grace in dignified pace
Roll the carriage in undisturbed course
To unknown horizons where it sets its goal
While the nether world indulges in internecine fight;
He moves on own like a celestial giant
In measured even pace of own inner force
Till reaches distant goal for all times to come.

Why wait for small gifts while riches sit within?
Why fight for a foot-hold while lord over an imperium?
How shallow dents can move a mammoth imperious giant?
How tiny wavelets can hold a sea's fierce course?
He is a vast ocean, an imperious mountain,
He is an imperium of inexhaustible riches,
He is too tall, vast, deep and bright
To be held in the farthings of an earthly container;
He lives on own, in infinite bright light
And knows the shady world and knows his proud course.

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