PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems Poems

Justice begotten in exchange is no justice,
For, exchange is trade,
A distressing gain through loss;
Justice is inherent right,

A tableland of black gold-dust
With rugged highland and coast,
Washed with rains and green forests
As thick as fur and tall as mountains,

The sun in clouds,
Dim, dull and subdued outside,
Has ever lost his fierce sunshine?
The layers of clouds

Who created this beautiful world?
What a harmony and perfection!
Who thought this beauty, who brought it out?
Who is he that perfected it?

Idle, semiconscious winter fog
Settles heavy on deforested nude,
Grey and dull, everywhere, dull lull;
Spine-chilling cold, blinding grey fog,

Beauty is a personal construct,
A harmony within,
Rhyme inside outside;
It is rhythmic unison

A land of valour and truth, Tulu Nadu
Where Sathya, Dharma and Sankalpa, blend to a strange broth
Of pride, courage and openness,
Where love for rectitude and selfless devotion

All over this mammoth Earth,
There is nothing like death;
All over this mammoth Earth,
Nothing escapes death

Life is what you make of it,
Like raw clay, lithe, soft and wet
And waits your hand to play on it
With the labour of creative flight

Win the world by love, not by war,
For, no wars are ever Won;
Win the world with heart, not with arms,
For, no arms ever win the world.

Honesty is hallowed straight road,
Though dull, tiresome and slow;
A sure road to reach one's goal,
Though fruits come in bits and sweats.

They surface from roadside pot-holes,
From cracks of walls and street corners,
From mysterious creeks
With fire-spewing guns in hand

Several steps I climbed, some more to climb
Along the course of the timeless time,
Doors are open to lead in blind blinkers
Through the jigsaw-paths of the dreary future;

Once in an age
Comes birthday, reminds
How once years back
I built bridge to this world.

All come and go like actors
And do bits in own sectors
On the huge stage of the life's play
And stamp themselves on time's clay.

Beauty is the nature's natural name,
The nature is poet's soulful game;
Her moods, rhythms and colours frame
Heaven on the earth in poet's dream.

Those carefree days,
No bonds whatsoever, though in leashes,
Where I could move round the fulcrum
In gay abandonment


Transparent still of thick nought is void
That fills all space in fluid quietude;
It is pregnant joy, deep ‘neath calm twilight
That sweeps mind clean with instreaming glint

She pours in spasms
Like sunshine through the patches of clouds,
She pours uncalled
In majestic cascades,

I saw her walking along the Heaven,
All in blue with black flow of hair,
Step on step like white halo all round;
She swept like warm breeze that carries fragrance,

PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems Biography

PRAVEEN KUMAR with his more than three decades of government service at senior levels and as a poet of seventeen published collections and as an author of six volumes on matters of governance and administration is a familiar face in Indian intellectual circuits. His more than 30 contributions on governance and administration to prominent national dailies like The Hindu, Indian Express, Deccan Herald and Times of India and other periodicals and journals were extremely popular and often sensational by their innovative unorthodox thoughts. He retired from Government Service as a Senior Police Officer after 31 years of service that covered assignments as Director of Food and Civil Supplies Enforcement, Deputy Commissioner of Bangalore City, State Intelligence in charge of Foreigners, Coastal Security Police and various assignments in CID inter alia. Born in Mangalore as the eldest son of Shree R.D.Suvarna and Smt. B.Sarojini, Praveen Kumar graduated in Science from St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, going on to obtain post-graduate degree in Literature from Mysore University. He also holds post-graduate diploma in Business Management as well as Higher Diploma in Cooperative Management. He also attended six advanced courses at the National Police Academy, Hyderabad. His Poem, 'Justice' figures in Karnataka IX Standard Second Language English Text Book from the 2013-14 Academic Year.)

The Best Poem Of PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems


Justice begotten in exchange is no justice,
For, exchange is trade,
A distressing gain through loss;
Justice is inherent right,
Though wrapped in black packs
In dark hall of race for survival
Like gold strains bound in mud
Till exploited;
She is cool like ice
And still like rock;
No easy road to charm her soul
While hardship makes her no more justice.

She, in inaccessible moon,
She, in inaccessible moon,
She, in inaccessible moon,
A charming dream of undying hopes.

She appears by disappearance
And cracks confidence;
You feel her flight outward
While strange shadows dull your Self;
You cannot catch her back,
You cannot catch her back,
For, in outward flight, she sinks to darkness
Where eyes blind
And distance rises;
Your hands, raised for justice,
Grope in hopeless void till strain
And give up unending fight forever
As dreams never win realities of deceits;

You see her in shades
In gloom's dark sea;
She surfaces from night's unending darkness
Like hopeless inaccessible mirage
In your eyes
While the world sees there plain darkness;
She is unseen to all
She is unseen to all, but,
You, who lost her out;
Men seek justice
In passion's thousand hues,
As she is invisible otherwise;
Aye, justice hides from justice
And breeds injustice.

Why justice is shackled to greed and bribe?
Why justice is fished out from popular mood?
Lost in thick jungle of lightless night,
Like rat, caught in the sack of death,
Like deer, caught in lion's lair,
She never reaches Self by herself.

Justice is the just haunt of nature's all games
What man for his crave molests and tames.

Justice must be just for all to see
In glow of crystal brightness
And impose herself in natural ease
Like flood seizes low-lying lands
And fill all pits of man's callousness;
It is justice of course,
It is justice in natural haunt,
That none gain by trade
Nor lose ever.

For, justice that limps in darkness is justice dead,
A corps you can never infuse life with.

Alas, justice lives feeble life
And yields to injustice in comfort;
It haunts as ghost after death
As if seeking rebirth
To live again weightless life
With no passion for just path,
Nor for anything just and fair.

Justice with no heart for truth,
Justice with no dash for right cause
Is justice dead indeed.

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