PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems Poems

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Justice begotten in exchange is no justice,
For, exchange is trade,
A distressing gain through loss;
Justice is inherent right,


A tableland of black gold-dust
With rugged highland and coast,
Washed with rains and green forests
As thick as fur and tall as mountains,

The Sun In Clouds

The sun in clouds,
Dim, dull and subdued outside,
Has ever lost his fierce sunshine?
The layers of clouds

Who Created This Beautiful World?

Who created this beautiful world?
What a harmony and perfection!
Who thought this beauty, who brought it out?
Who is he that perfected it?

Life's Winter

Idle, semiconscious winter fog
Settles heavy on deforested nude,
Grey and dull, everywhere, dull lull;
Spine-chilling cold, blinding grey fog,

What Is Beauty

Beauty is a personal construct,
A harmony within,
Rhyme inside outside;
It is rhythmic unison

Tulu Nadu

A land of valour and truth, Tulu Nadu
Where Sathya, Dharma and Sankalpa, blend to a strange broth
Of pride, courage and openness,
Where love for rectitude and selfless devotion

Death Is Death, Dissolution Of All

All over this mammoth Earth,
There is nothing like death;
All over this mammoth Earth,
Nothing escapes death

Life Is A Vision

Life is what you make of it,
Like raw clay, lithe, soft and wet
And waits your hand to play on it
With the labour of creative flight

Love And War

Win the world by love, not by war,
For, no wars are ever Won;
Win the world with heart, not with arms,
For, no arms ever win the world.

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