Big Black Crow Poem by (c) Colorofsky

Big Black Crow

Rating: 2.7

A peck here, a caw there,
a stare at the ground, a leap into the air.
Big Black Crow you come from some, somewhere.
O’er the fields you come, at the fields you glare.

With your curious mind, your curious eyes,
Big Black Crow, it is realized,
that you seek, seek the solace, of only to be,
just a day of life, lived naturally.

Out o’er the trees, out o’er the fields,
looking to scavenge from another crops yield.
As the farmer shakes his fist, in the foggy morning mist,
you caw, then disappear, to the dark forest.

Big Black Crow, flocking to the woods,
to unknown home, not understood.
In valley village, in social mind,
routine of day, it has no time.

No time, Black Crow, to understand,
that Big Black Crow, this is your land.
Also your land, also your life,
your world of wonder, your world of flight.
A delicate balance, of harmony,
of Big Black Crow flocking 'bove the trees.

A peck, a peck here, a caw, a caw there,
staring at the ground, leaping to the air!
Big Black Crow, Black Crow you come, then you go,
away with the wind, o’er the fields,
Big Black Crow…

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