Blackbird Lover Poem by Mark Heathcote

Blackbird Lover

Blackbird lover, wing me on down to your thorny crown.
Let us build our kingdom on a holly sprig.
And sing. Blackbird lover, your feathers are very -strong.
Blackbird lover I peck in the dirt.
But you bring me gifts, as only lovers do.
Blackbird lover, you know how to reach my heart.
Blackbird lover, has it ever crossed your mind?
I'll eat earthworms for you.
Blackbird lover, has it ever crossed your mind?
I'll sit on a bough, bowing back and forth in the wind
To hear you sing my name
Blackbird lover, has it ever crossed your mind?
We are birds of a feather, and I couldn't wait for any other.
Blackbird lover, you are meant for me, and I am meant for you.
Blackbird lover fold me in your wings and fly me home.
I no longer want to nest alone.

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