Blank Poem by Cherry Blossom


He wrote about the people around him.
Friends that would call on him on their sad days, yet leave him on his.
Crushes that would bring his city down to crumble, leaving him in a state of ruin.
The person he once loved, that he thought loved him back, but he spent too long waiting for her to utter the words he wanted to hear but it never came.
That part of his writing left him disabled, unable to bear the weight of loss, confusion, anger and loneliness.
All he could do was watch his life spiraling down into nothingness while he was sitting down in the front row seat and stared at this scene blankly.
He distanced himself from reality and indulged himself into vices, ones that would aid in his walk towards madness.
He couldn't forget the moments they spent together, as his thought about the past dragged him down even more, he stopped writing.
What was the purpose of writing when no one still listens, he thought to himself?
He was a writer, an aspiring one, so he bled through his words like how other artists bleed through their passion.
As days pass by, the burden of the said emotions were slowly loosening up, giving him chance to change and become better, or so he thought.
Months came by and their he was sitting blankly again into the nothingness thinking about what he did wrong in the past.
He then jolted back to reality and uttered a Charles Dickens quote:
"I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be."
As those words left his mouth he knelt down and tears ran down his face and asked himself
"I gave her those, yet why did I get the opposite? "

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