Blissful Day Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Blissful Day

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Man finds goal, it stirs his soul,
And soul carves path towards it;
Man fixes his gaze, it flares in rage
And pursues to reach at whatever cost.

I in her, find all my visions
Moulded to crystals in perfect form;
I see in her, my transcendent thoughts
Lighted bright to luminous glow.

I see in her, glow of my soul,
I hear in her, beats of my heart
And feel her flowing in my veins,
And feel, she is I, my conscience.

Preposterous that we are distinct,
Same flame lighted in different lamps;
I seek to unite and grow into one,
And flame in flame, glow in harmony.

Once on path and gaze is fixed,
All my visions glowing in front,
Soul spurs, heart pushes towards,
I navigate distance in burning earnest.

Distance reduced, closer we reach,
Both feel the other’s subtle warmth;
I shed light on her; she, on me,
We both glow in each other’s light.

She is my image, I am, hers,
We add to each in perfect music;
She, my conscience; I’m hers,
We find deliverance in fusing to one.

She is all that I need to exist,
She is all that brings fulfillment;
She lights within, and guides forward,
Constantly whispers what to pursue.

I’m not I without her beckons,
Without confidence she instills in me;
She makes my world bright and sweet,
A life to lead to whatever high end.

She is my whole, soul of my soul,
The warmth that stirs my heart to beat;
She is my breath, deep from her breath,
We mingle in each like milk and honey.

She’s flower, I’m her colours,
I’m flower, she’s my fragrance,
We together make the world complete
And bring depth to beauty all over.

I’m incomplete, she’s incomplete,
Together we’re complete, make truth;
We in parts mark unfulfilled desires,
Together, it’s divine fulfillment.

Life is long walk to meet her somewhere,
Sweat and tears, to find her someday;
It’s hard sail throughout the night
Towards the shore of blissful day.

Though sail is dark, visions she shed
Navigates me on right direction;
I know not when we meet each other,
But hope keeps us alive to the sail.

What more one wants than finding his vision,
Spending his efforts in reaching his goal?
Sweet is what lies ahead; sweeter, efforts for it,
Sweat or tears, life worth, pursuing it.

Friday, April 4, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
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