A Pattern Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

A Pattern

Rating: 4.8

A pattern, a network, behind this world;
Whatever happens, whatever transpires,
Works on some order, on unknown pattern;
A subtle grand plan beyond human grasp
Drags man on to further cause in the loop
In the infinite network that runs this world
Towards somewhere none know where
And so on and so forth runs this world.

All is here caught in billions of forces
That work in network towards an order;
Man, mere straw in the blow of wild winds
Plays like string-doll to the nature's plans;
Each force has its pattern, unseen by man,
Each wind has direction, felt by none,
Though all seems random to the outer eyes,
A pattern shows itself only at the end.

Mere clouds of smoke, visible outside,
An invisible spark of light brings it all out;
The smoke takes shapes, irregular it looks,
But the fire that lights dictates rules to it;
Nothing is accident; nothing, out of turn
In the mammoth pattern worked by nature;
Mere nut in huge network, insignificant nail,
Man serves by his move, meet nature's goal.

Sound and all fury, all confusions outside,
But, cool and steady, and peaceful inside;
Beyond comprehension, uncertainty outside,
Clocklike precise moves, and precision inside;
Man sees only outside, blocked from inside,
Plays appointed roles of sudden fall and rise
And gropes for his self in the blinding dark
And finds there no sense or reason to his chagrin.

Thursday, April 28, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life,philosophy
Sumit Ganguly 28 April 2016

A beautiful approach to understand nature..10

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Ratnakar Mandlik 28 April 2016

A beautifully envisioned thought provoking and meaningful poem. Thanks for sharing.

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