Bond Intact Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Bond Intact

While I traverse back
Along the vennel of time,
Filled with dreadful darkness -
I come across a dreamy world,
Carved in rosy hues
In the realm of golden glow,
Where I find you in eternal dance
In transcendental trance
To the beats and rhythms of love
In heavenly music of gods;
The spell of smile you spill,
The smell of love there fills
Charms me beyond sense;
The snow-white light that streams
From crystal clear eyes of you,
I find, enchanting the world,
It blossoms the soul of my soul.

You're in divine dance there,
Uncovering horizons unknown,
At every turn I look at -
New depths and heights you show,
New breadths and widths you give,
To the layers of unforgettable frames
In the womb of distant past;
Each layer has its subtle bag
Of a thousand pains and pleasures,
Each over-riding the other
To gain a space in me.

It's a turbulent world
Of whorls of whirling passions
With you in glow in the center
In perfect peace and poise,
Untouched by riotous worlds,
Like a rock on top of a hill;
You sit there like a god,
Wrapped in spotless white
Amidst destiny's turbulence.

You do call me near
To the world of vivid colours,
And I too walk the length,
But, alas, I'm mere a human being,
And can't bridge past and present,
But for stretching hands,
Desperately crying for you;
I know, you hear my call,
But, alas, as helpless as I'm,
You recede back where you were,
And I awaken to present world.

Though briefly, oft, you visit like this,
And fill my world with heavenly bliss;
Though fence of time keeps us apart,
We oft meet and keep our bond intact.

Thursday, June 6, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love
Gajanan Mishra 06 June 2013

fill my world in heavenly bliss, good poem, thanks. I invite you to read my poems and comment.

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