Bound Poem by Chris Tiganescu


Where is the reality in all of
this.. It's bringing me to my knees.
I clasp for another hand to pull me
away from this evil entity that lurks
within me..
Hand me a dagger and a whip and soon
fantasy will become a reality. The nightmare
begins between the two.Forsaken to the thoughts
of monster. Why do i see the pleasure in your
pain. Its beneath my skin.Forming deep in my mind.
Involuntarly i laugh. It is a sadistic laugh.

You are now a part of me. My desire is your's. So long has
it been since i have placed word on paper. The relapse is
occuring. Where is the blood? hand me your blood. I need it
for a new signature. A new name for my abuse. Sign it my
dear, you are now mine.

Christopher Sebastin Tiganescu.

The madness awakes once more with relenting force.
It beckons me with a seductive tongue.
What is this? What is this dark entity in my eyes? Why does it laugh.
I am at loss.
There is no Hero in I.
The Monster is awake.
Obidience is demanded.

Wether i delay my thoughts or not, the end result is and always will
be unaviodable. I can merely push off, for a later day, when I will
submit for good.

Chris Tiganescu

Chris Tiganescu

Portland, Oregon
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