Bracketing's At Sacks Her Store It Is Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

Bracketing's At Sacks Her Store It Is

Rating: 5.0

Dear Chest in Trust,

Utterly milkless I starve placing me in your
chain of food be kind a bone dogs need to
live in laps you shave to keep fleas clear....
Saying caves explore implore a musky scent
we leave in depths of play keen kneeds a rocky horror
comic shore in french to idle tale it sits and sees
the cheese we eat to chip a fish or two a day.
Oboes played the chippy reed the bank was closed
a holiday reposed to lay again in fields of gold and
say we stay the day and sing again what comes
to lips of mouth. Shopping to obtain a bracketing's at sacks
takes most all day the sweat from heat the day wears on
we swim in caves of fear she lays a trap to sweet to
pass on it I wait...Lovingly its cockles taste when steamed
learning grace you leave it on your chin a crust on upper
lip assumes.Merry choice we make it every day when
you come near sweet shores of evermore tides out.
it waits everly with its affection in you once more this
night before it's through..) it(s dastardly.nuts) it(s you.

Tsira Goge 15 April 2009

we swim in caves of fear.......... .................................................. it's good....

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James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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