Breakup My Heart Poem by Gary James Smith

Breakup My Heart

Rating: 5.0

Breakup My Heart

Breakup my heart like an earthquake
And smash it to smithereens
If that's what it takes to bring me back
To following You again
I don't want to be a far off follower
But a lover of You Lord
Burdened with a passion for soul's
And a desire to live Your Word

Not just mouthing the phrases
Thatmost people want to hear
But be open and honest with the disobedient
For its You O Lord I fear
There comes a responsibility
When we believe on Christ the Son
We sign up for immediate service
In the work of God's Kingdom

No longer self on the Throne
Our lives are in your Hand
Help us keep eternity in mind
In our pilgrim journeying
There is a place called Hell... Called Heaven
To which will their soul's go
We are standing in the gap
Let our faithfulness show

The love of God so great so wondrous
Look what He's done for you
Are you serving in the field
That He has called you to
Quick you like men be ye strong
Show forth His loving grace
Shine, shine for Jesus Christ
There's victory 's to be embraced

Take up your cross and follow Him
What a Saviour to follow
Not one word came from His lips
That was ever, ever hollow
Whatever He said... He did
In full obédience to His Father
Let us do likewise unto Him
And begin some soul's to gather!

Copyright May 20 2018 10: 55am

Gary Jamlovelovees Smith

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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