Building Bridges Poem by Jordan Josephson

Building Bridges

Do you now know too much
Are you comfortable in your skin
When we began...
All the words were fed
For my need to belong
'cause I could not connect
But Baby you tried...

Where has your innocence gone
We whispered and touched
And you hoped it was no mirage 
Mask and lies in place
But you tried...

Then it was all taken and shattered
Words were said....
Leaving you undone
The anger and hurt were strong
Theres nothing without  belief
All for my need to belong
But you tried...

Building bridges from the living
Building to the helpless or the missing
Some are taken some are given
There's nothing if the mask is left 
But you did it....

Now your innocence has gone
You just cant know too much
You are now comfortable in your skin
And now I need no more for I belong
But you did it.....

Most days I am everything They hate
Bridge is built I've been taken
By the hand to the other side
So now I belong...
The mask must return 
They cannot handle me for long 
But you did it....

Building bridges from the living
Building to the helpless or the missing
You have given....
Hand in hand trust in place 
We meet and words are spoken
But now I belong
But baby you did it....

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