But I Still Love You Poem by Raimi Babatunde

But I Still Love You

Rating: 5.0

You wanted me out
You wanted me to stand down
When I really wanted to stand up
I know your mind is made up
I might be poor and proud
As you always deemed me
But with every iota of pride in me
I will not beg for love

You have moved on my dear
So have I in grace and style
I am not coming back as always
You have drawn the last straw
Shattered every wall we built
Erased every moment we shared
I will just sit back on a rocky chair
And pretend you never existed

It might take time my dear
But I will hang on and be strong
If truly you are not coming back
It means we were never meant to be
Sincerely I appreciate the times we shared
Including the true lies and Greek gifts
Even though you promised heaven on earth
Now I see a big scumbag in you

At short notice I was available
Amidst tight schedules and constraints
Especially when you want to browse
I allowed you access without a fight
Even when I feel closing shop was best
I gave my everything until my all
And all I get is a heartbreak
"We can be friends, but not as you want it"
Though it was implied but I get it

I built my world around you
Feigned off contenders for my love turned foe
And suddenly i am not your kind
Your parents suddenly don't like me
I suddenly don't fit into your over blotted social and educational class
I tied our love with a strong roap
But now I am loosing it; my sanity

Despite overwhelming reasons
I trusted and supported you
My parents and friends warned me
But I was blinded by infatuation
I lost my sense of reasoning and judgement
Due to what I thought was love
If only life was a real pencil
I will erase and righten all my wrongs

Right now I know you are locked together
What are they even doing?
Maybe kissing and touching
Are they touching the way we do?
Are you really telling her 'that' you told me?
Is she responding the way I do
Oh Lord help me! I am lost emotionally
I refuse to be depressed
For surely, this too will pass
Oh "Yes", it shall pass

But I still love you Baby
Even though you bailed on me
I still want you back
Maybe I should say sorry
I can't live without you
If loving you was a crime
I would rather be imprisoned in your world
But this is not making sense
I think I am delusional

On the parade ground of love
At the shout of about turn
You never look back
I must be strong as a Lioness
If you gave another our ring
Then it was never mine
But I pray that one day
Karma will visit you accordingly
But then it will be too late
And I will be happy again
This time, with another, "The One"
And live happily ever after

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet

But I Still Love You
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: heartbreak
Rose Marie Juan-austin 24 July 2019

Wonderful, touching and poignant write. A vivid portrayal of a lost love and hope that there is still a brighter tomorrow. A well crafted weite.

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