By Allah! Jesus Knew His Doings Poem by Alexandre Nodopaka

By Allah! Jesus Knew His Doings

While Amina was with child
The father of Prophet Mohammed died
(Blessed also be His name & why not?)
And upon birthing she sent a message
That her child was born. But since it

Was the year of the elephant some said
That as far as white elephant stories go
Adding to such tale subtracts
From its truth. It is not that I want to
Anthropomorphize a turbaned god over mine

Because for what matters they are as human
As I am and having slain them then
As I do now I bury their bones
Under the Kabbah. But the black stone
Is too small for their personae

And without a lid to blow steam
Or a cross bar to prevent sliding down
It's the dawning of ecological warming
With a billion too many on each side
Compounding theirs problems and ours.

It is suggested that what is meant
By revelations is actually premeditated by
The Intra States Surveillance to conceal
Under the infamous bush the shennanigans
Of those in power misleading the surveyed.

Miracles occur on a daily basis.
Rain comes down and makes grapes grow.
And we drink their ambrosia. I call it
Mankind's highest empirical miracle:
The bottling of spirits at proleterian prices.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
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