Alexandre Nodopaka

Alexandre Nodopaka Poems

I write words and listen to
sounds from Persia.
There's a party next door
and when the exotic music stops

Я и г р а л с в а ш е й г р у д ь ю
О н и б ы л и ц в е т а м и п о д с о л н е ч н и к
О т р а ж а я в м о и х г л а з а х

Transformed into a moment
of loneliness
There was this single bud
waiting to open

Resting in a hot bath
I had an unholy vision
Of an olive tree.
Its virginal pit

I spoke to the butterfly telling her
I saw a lizard in the middle
of April at the edge of my garden

I did not pass on the other side yet.
God is not ready for me.
I am still building the nose of the puppet.
Everything is fine & dandy on my side.

This is poetry in the making,
its content is developing
forming enchanting words and allegorical silhouettes.
Quick with wit, angry as disillusioned slaps,

Is when quasi-symmetric designs
Reach two stage disjunctive testing
Upon subtracting the discrete numbers.

In the center of the Atlas Mountains
A boy of 9-and-half years
Squirms in an army cot
In the middle of a windowless room.

Thursday, May 28 2009 10: 30 AM
Office Visit with SHERRI, MD
(What a cute gal… AND married!)

If you are to be Sita and I Rama
Stop doing anything related to turking
Because to continue on a dark path

I'm glad you decided to paste art
The way you did but do not plan
To tell me how to do mine
Since I can't live through yours

Let it be known
that in the eyes
of certain gods
everything you do

The mind's eye
paints on wasli paper

No longer blank,

I call to inform you
that I left
for another woman.

In upper corner
a cobweb
with no dead flies

If you are to be Sita and I Rama
Stop anything related to turking
Because continuing on a dark path

Butterfly kisses and teddy bear hugs
give life to a love deep and strong.
Chubby hands and arms to hold on tight

Fernand Leger watching me
Bloats my limbs
But when Salvador Dali comes

The pale azure hue
Flanking its eastern neighbor
Strikes me with spiky angularity

Alexandre Nodopaka Biography

Biopsy: Conceived in Ukraine, Alex Nodopaka first exhibited in Russia. Finger-painted in Austria. Studied tongue-in-cheek at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Casablanca, Morocco. Doodles & writes with crayons on human hides. Full time artist, art instructor, judge, and self-appointed critic with pretensions to writing. Considers his past irrelevant. He seeks now reincarnations with micro acting parts in IFC movies. The secondary synopsis is that the author has been a mechanical engineer and practiced that profession between 1962 and 1998 in the San Francisco Bay Area a.k.a. Silicon Valley. Alex Nodopaka began his career with IBM in San Jose, California. He subsequently worked at Memorex and many disc drive companies in the disc drive industry. He also worked for Stanford Linear Accelerator and the Stanford Architectural Office before moving on to a variety of other engineering functions as an engineering consultant. In 1985 he had an engineering article that dealt with clean room environment specifications that was published in Machine Design, a monthly technical magazine. Art Editor (2013 to present) Art Editor (2010 to 2013) PUBLICATIONS dealing with artistic pursuits * Peninsula Magazine * Pacific Guest Magazine * Peninsula Guest Magazine * Livermore Times * Pleasanton Times * Dublin Independent * Menlo Park Recorder * California Today San Jose Mercury * Menlo Park Almanac * Painterskey, USA, France, Russia * Numerous Web E-zines exceeding 70 in hard copy and on-line between 2003 and 2013. OTHER MEDIA: * Featured on PBS Television 1981 * Featured on Palo Alto Community Television Channel 1998, California * Album Cover rock musical band NETHERWORLD * Guest speaker Brooks Camera San Francisco * Juried Art Judge * Self-appointed Art Critic * GROUP AND ONE MAN SHOWS: * Art galleries in the San Francisco Bay Area, California * Art shows and Festivals, USA * Montalvo Center for the Arts, Saratoga, California * Menlo Park Art Commission, California * Menlo Park Library: Leather Book Bindings * Laguna Beach, California 2002 * Aliso Viejo Library, Book Binding 2003 * Saddleback Art College,2003 *)

The Best Poem Of Alexandre Nodopaka

A Love Letter

I write words and listen to
sounds from Persia.
There's a party next door
and when the exotic music stops
so do my words.

They fall from pages,
shatter and split into
loose alphabet.

In effect each letter
on the ground
forms collages varied as the dresses
of the women over the fence.

Today is a special Babylonian day.
One of tying blades of grass together.
With each tie one makes a wish.
I tie one knot.
You and I.


Alexandre Nodopaka Comments

Rajnish Manga 05 October 2018

'Stupefying Days' is an interesting poem. First two lines seem to set the tone but the latter part about dentists and dental procedures makes it a piece of beautiful poetry. Thanks.

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Alexandre Nodopaka Quotes

Alex Nodopaka - From the Art category: There's only one type of 'serious art' and it deals with clinical documentation. Anything else is artistic license and illustrative interpretation that incorporate the well-balanced geometries of dark and light and fields of color... Alex Nodopaka Impressionism, after some 150 years, is still at the forefront of what is stale representative art... Alex Nodopaka Every time I think I reinvent the wheel, the known past of humankind careens through my mind. I become transfixed by history as I merge the past into the present into some perceived future... Alex Nodopaka It is the subject matter that must be treated in an, if not striking then, original manner. Don't be pigeonholed by your own format... Alex Nodopaka Read more quotes about 'Originality' Think outside of sour gooseberry jam! I do not yet met a state of Emily Carr when the space in the artist is ordering a pet and a blue fish. A tweetle beetle puddles a pet, like a tweetle beetle battles a linear system... Alex Nodopaka Alex Nodopaka - From the Recognition category: It is a shame to copycat oneself because of recognition by creating your own fad... Alex Nodopaka Read more quotes about 'Recognition' Read more quotes about 'Satisfaction' I'd worry about eating my sculptures if they began suddenly crawling on their own... Alex Nodopaka Alex Nodopaka - From the Signatures category: Most Russian artists almost never signed on the front of their paintings. They did it on the canvas back... where any written information ought to be. This applies also to the smaller paintings, especially with artists' names exceeding the length of admiration... Alex Nodopaka Read more quotes about 'Signatures' Alex Nodopaka - From the Titles category: I had the biggest block against titles, choosing to leave everything untitled, until many people asked for titles and told me it was a negative, when they considered art, to see Untitled... Alex Nodopaka Read more quotes about 'Titles' Alex Nodopaka - From the Words category: Word definition disorder is chewing this artist's inventions... Alex Nodopaka

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