Call Me A Snowflake Poem by Randy McClave

Call Me A Snowflake

I was called a snowflake
Because the words of a racist I would not take,
One thing that racists and bigots do not know
I like to be like the pure driven snow.
I like beliefs to be known as clean and pure
Truth, love and peace I will always ensure,
And when us snowflakes ever get near Hell's fire
We disappear, as the flames don't ever inspire.
Remember no two snowflake are ever the same
I say that with pride and no shame,
But, all racists and bigots speak with the same tongues
The devil breathes his deception into their lungs.
Call me a snowflake that doesn't bother me
Names was also called to my Lord as he died on a tree,
He too stood for love and help and sacrifice and peace
And his words and teachings, I swear will never cease.
I am caring and genuine and also very witty
And snowflake are also genuine, and also very pretty,
We both were created from an original blueprint
Call me a snowflake, I take it as a sincere compliment.
Snowflakes come from the heavens above
Where God and our loved ones send us their love,
Call me a snowflake I do not really care
That is a badge of honor, that I will always proudly wear.

Randy L. McClave

A friend today was called a snowflake for her belief, so, she inspired this poem.
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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