Can Love Be Of Any Use To Deal With Sadists? Poem by Ramesh T A

Can Love Be Of Any Use To Deal With Sadists?

Can Love be of Any Use to Deal with Sadists?

Love is the greatest virtue of human life capable of swaying all hearts sans fail!
But love is a bouquet of flowers in the hands of selfish, immature and childish ones
Who are like the monkey that pulls out the petals of flowers in search of
Obtaining an object of its own self interest sans bothering about others care!

Such inhuman creatures are sadists with extreme kind of views about all matters
Whether they are serious ones or simple ones due to their failureon vital thing
Leading to long depression making them have pleasure in torturing good ones
By their stubborn and strong hold even on silly and good for nothing matter!

For convincing or pacifying such kind of incorrigible ones, the one who shows
Love will have to take great risk like the sacrifices similar to Christ or Gandhi;
That will be an extreme state of act none can take up and an useless one;
Nothing good can be achieved by such kind of merciful act towards

To deal with concrete kind of hard-hearted sadists love is a great sacrifice;
Best thing to do with such ones is the practice of tolerance only though negative!

Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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