A Win In Contest! Poem by Ramesh T A

A Win In Contest!

Rating: 4.5

For winning in contest
Both intelligence and luck are needed
Though great skill is!

Clarence Prince 23 October 2013

Yes Ramesh T A, you have summed it all up! A nice poem, and hopefully you'll win! May you be blessed!

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Thobile Masondo 24 October 2013

Your skill will not fail you, all the best

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Cat Tiger 25 October 2013

The premise of your poem is presented backwards and was therefore not immediately understood. Looking for a metaphor, I could not find one. Therefore I assume the meaning of your poem was straightforward as: Though seeming to rely on great skill to enter and win this contest, intelligence and luck are equally as important. If there is some underlying meaning to this declarative statement that would make it worthy of being called a poem, sorry but I did not find it.

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Ramesh Rai 30 August 2015

For me each and every poem is delightful because it comes directly from heart which can not be ignored. Any contest doesn't matter for poetry.

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Nasarudheen Parameswaran 10 October 2013

Your view is right.There is a saying in English,99% perspiration and 1% inspiration makes success.

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Marvin Brato 14 December 2017

I believe it so... those are the ingredients in wining the contest! Thanks.

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Chris maniza 10 November 2017

Poems to me are inspirational feeling of oneself

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Rajnish Manga 28 December 2016

To prepare for the contest needs skill but to win it, one also needs a bit of luck. The whole idea is very well articulated and nicely put across. Thanks, Ramesh ji.

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Roxanne Dubarry 28 April 2016

You are right! Luck and skill are both needed to win contests! I know from pasts experiences!

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Ramesh T A 30 August 2015

Comments and encouragements from my readers are overwhelming and confirms my win in the contest!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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