Canada Day Heat 2018 Poem by Deanna Samuels

Canada Day Heat 2018

PHEW! Was it hot!
Decision to go out or not
So many events too good to be missed
On this Canada Day Anniversary of 151st

The temperature rises as the morning goes by
Way up in the nineties, there is no deny
Off to the pool, crowds go to cool
Do as little as possible, that is the general rule

Canada Day celebrations, a huge draw to the many
Speeches and officialdom kept to the minimum
Umbrellas and parasols, hats with wide brims
Keep sun off to protect head and upper limbs

Malls are crowded, people take in the cooler air
Shopping, lunching, letting day go by, resting in chair
Outside, the heat is so intense
Popsicles, cold colas and ice cream are no defense

Cinemas too, with air conditioning, are extra busy
Relaxing recliner seats replace that outside sizzle
Our Maple Leaf flags hang limp on poles of white
No breeze to unfurl to fly with pride to sight

The hot day wears on with events into the late eve
At last, some small relief as the burning heat recedes
The peoples of Canada gather expectantly, excitedly at appointed locations
Watching the finale of Canada Day with spectacular firework presentations

Written at Richmond Hill, Ontario - 1st July 2018

Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: canada day,celebrations
Deanna Samuels

Deanna Samuels

London, England
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