Captive Queen, Randomness Varies But Never Selects (13) Poem by Captain Cur

Captive Queen, Randomness Varies But Never Selects (13)

If the lighthouse fails all lost ships are wrecked
randomness varies but never selects,
To know thy love, as mistress or as friend
These are choices to rebuke or commend,
Traveling together on this lonely road
With each pulse, each breath, every beat a code,
I walk upon the threshold of the dead
With every wary footstep that I thread,
I cannot be a threat or jealous foe
Just numbed if I should taste rejections blow.

True love's offering is like molded clay,
One form may give the other takes away,
Yet, a fluid body hides within the ice
And patiently awaits the sun's warm light.
If I could mold love, squeeze it to my taste
Where the image in my dreams slowly takes its shape,
If I could frame it only in my eyes
Though I die a thousand deaths it will never die.

If love must follow its own sacred law
From what scholarly manuscripts does it draw,
From noble to baser to the impure,
Does it diminish or does it endure?
A high criteria for happiness
Deciding rejection or acceptance,
Once instituted how long will it stay,
Timeframes for when it is consumed away
Bundled in feelings and serious thought
Can it be borrowed or can it be bought?
If it can be bought, then whom does it serve,
Does it show weakness, how strong is its nerve,
Does it understand all that it creates
Does it give pause, take time to contemplate?
But never questions whose heart it will fill
And never mentions those hearts it has killed!

Saturday, February 1, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: knight,love,philosophy,queen,story
"Captive Queen" is a multi-part poetic story written in iambic pentameter. It chronicles the story of a Queen usurped from power and held prisoner, a prisoner of both love and fate. The poem is comprised of letters written to her by her hopeful lover and dutiful Knight who attempts to free his Queen and restore her Kingdom to its former glory.
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