Carry On Poem by Edmund V. Strolis

Carry On

Rating: 4.8

Pull a rabbit from a worn out hat, a coin from behind an ear
Sorry if I don't applaude at that
But I have spent too many years here

I thought that you were fresh and new, I found it was an act
You did what people often do
By taking without giving back

No I do not blame you now, you are only human after all
Still, I should have known better somehow
I built a bridge that met your wall

Now my heart feels only pity, for a soul that could not feel
On this island in the city
My country past now seems surreal

No more words from me, my ghostly presence will soon be gone
I must set my spirit free
Lick my wounds and carry on.

Carry On
Nosheen Irfan 16 February 2016

This poem speaks to the heart. Yes, we must carry on. That's the essence of life, to carry on no matter what. The track will lead to sunlight eventually.

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Edmund Strolis 16 February 2016

Thank you Nosheen, how nice it would be to write of happy endings. Still through hope and strength of will we move forward and persevere.

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Sarah Persson 12 February 2016

Absolutely love this. A few lines thrown together in such a way, its as if the pain and pity were mine. Brilliant. A true artist and a priviledge to read your works.

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