Ceausescu's Children 1996 Poem by jerry hughes

Ceausescu's Children 1996

Out of the manholes they crawl
to face another hopeless day.
Not rats or cockroaches,
but Romania's children.
Selling their miserable bodies
for food, or glue.

Food barely sustains, but sniffing
glue anaesthetises their misery.
Children of Romania, raped,
abused, diseased and forgotten.

Alina, just sixteen was heard to say.
'I wan't to die'
Why not?
She's only just alive.

R H 02 December 2007

An incredibly moving portrait of the injustice and despair that continues to exist in today's society. Raw, honest and heartwrenchingly sad. Your passionate words resound Jerry.

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Melissa Coventry 13 October 2007

This is a confronting read of reality in the world. It is too easy for people to not think about childern in these situations so they don't feel the guilt of doing nothing. Its far too easy to keep issues such as these forgotten but struggling and in need childern at arms length. What can we do? .. would the world be a better if there were no country borders? .. Then these childern would not be of just Romainia but of the world and truely on our doorstep and in our faces... Injustice of another innocent life lost makes the heart weep. Wonderfully written on a confronting issue. take care, Mel xx

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Alison Cassidy 05 June 2007

Stark words from a passionate pen. Your poems against injustice and cruelty are witten with great skill and honesty. The reader cannot but be moved by them. love, Allie xxxx

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jerry hughes

jerry hughes

a citizen of the world
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