Changing Poem by Rachel BaByBeAr Anderson


Im fed up with the world.
Always demanding the most of me.
Always wanting me to be like it.
Pushing me to follow the crowd.
Like a sheep.
Yeah like Im really going to do that.

Im fed up with friends.
Never happy with what I am
always wishing for something more
Willing me to be like them.
Wanting me to be reshaped for them.
like a piece of clay.
Yeah 'cause thats going to happen.

Im fed up with parents.
Thinking they own me
and that i should be like them.
Shamming me and shoving me away.
Hoping I'll return different.
Yeah Im really going to come back

Im fed up with teachers.
Making me into something im not
forcing me to be better
perfect, angel like.
Giving me responsibilities,
in an attempt to transform me.
Yeah, like thats going to work.

Im fed up with myself
for putting up with these... these strangers.
Im fed up with being strangled into it.
Im fed up with changing myself for everyone else.
For once im gonna break free,
and be myself.
Bring on the riot.

Paul Hansford 01 January 2010

As a poem, this is not bad, once I got over the street language, which is a dialect like any other. As a recipe for life, if you're going to reject teachers, parents, friends, and everybody else, you're going to be pretty miserable. Perhaps you really do need to make a bit of an effort to learn what real life is like. (Or are you not like this at all, and just making up an attitude for a person who doesn't exist?)

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