Cheerful Camp - Sweet Home Poem by arvind shah

Cheerful Camp - Sweet Home

My Weekend Poems # 8
Cheerful Camp - Sweet Home
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You believe: market upbeat is freshness
and my old hold and bond is stillness -
choose to develop and grow in market fashions
and find joyful glee to see many occasions
in dazzling rooms, for timely joys, to be cultured
but, I love the legacy cultural hold and bond to be cultured.

I, be the stream within my own soil, sky and air
live - not to surrender my being - myself: anywhere
I will bear, maneuver and brave, not to give in
not to give up - me and my source virtues in me.
I am still a deodar, keep no little value to be
grow - sure and slow in the rocky terrains: am a tree.

Market cuts to size to be a plank and then a panel fixture:
a timely cheerful camp, but soon into wilderness future -
can a camp be an elated home to get progress to see -
I can camp anywhere on globe, but my home it can't be -
can one be a commercial commodity and be happy
my joy is economic well-being and bond of ancestry.

Call me obstinate and call me names full
I keep bonds and inklings that you call, still.
your vision may be oceans and outlook for a sea
I am happy and gleeful to be a stream and a tree.

©Arvind Shah 6/24 Bangalore

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