Chemistry And Penetration Poem by Chan Mongol

Chemistry And Penetration

Chemistry and penetration
Poet Chan Mongol
October 23 of 2018

Now, life is just a little extended
A little busted, rusted, faded!
What good it is to be like this
We had simple chemistry and activities.

Many are not bearing old true memory
Now we started writing records, own diary.
From records, we can find a fool, a stupid
And find who picked up own spit?

Records about who was no longer needed
Who was dumped, sacked, expelled!
Time is now more misused to assess past days
Time to used to find old loss and damage.

With songs of birds, we once grew up
From calves, we learnt to run and jump.
Our staple foods were rice, lentil
Homegrown fruits, spinach, vegetable!

Happy go lucky, life should be tolerable
Complications be avoided to make it simple!
We never had the best, never had enormous
Life went on in the way of divine orders!

We are proud because, we think we are better
For information, none is better ever!
Chemistry means penetrating and so is suffering
Without suffering there is no understanding!

The penetration was there and still is here
Chemistry been making us only to change the gear.
In each time, each generation, all claimed better
Only, all tried to switch boring atmosphere.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: chemistry,life,past
Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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