Cherish Your Heart Poem by Tina Rizk

Cherish Your Heart

When mirrors are broken
Even the most beautiful
Faces appear distorted

That's the case with hearts
If broken, everything around
Will seem distorted

Don't rush in your relationships
Some are traps: a springtime for few
Months and a harsh winter for the
Rest of your life

Not all people enter
Your life to love you
Some are curious by
The flowers in your garden
They smell their scent and leave

Some find in you a mean
To fulfil their dreams
Once their needs are fulfilled
They need you no more

Thus don't open your heart
To any passer-by

Yet, very few will enter your life
To love you, to stand by you in your
Good and bad days

Their love is pure and unconditional
Hold on to them, they're godsend
For only those will stay with you
Till the end

Copyright ©️ Tina Rizk

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