Childhood Memories Poem by Christine Kerr

Childhood Memories

Rating: 4.9

Back when I was a kid at play,
we played games throughout the day,
Telephone wires that snapped on the ground,
were our skipping ropes we had found.

Stilts were made from wood poles so grand,
Walked my brother from a roof tops across the land.
Back yard swamps were cleared during autumn rush,
Which made winter skating go from Dawn to Dusk.

An important roll my big brother did play,
Tying a rope around me, on hot swimming days,
Someone would ask, 'What good will that do.'
-'Just pull me up, if I should turn blue.'

Needing some money, we walked the ditch,
looking for pop bottles to make our pitch.
Our crew hiked to town, It was our only way,
To see a good movie on a free Saturday.

Now the woods was a place of wonder
Rocking ourselves from one pine tree to another.
Forts were built, and hide and seek played.
From the house, the cars horn blew by end of day.

Oh how I miss the days as a kid
When your imagination ran wild through your head
Friendships held strong, throughout the years
The trust has remained, as we laugh with tears.

Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 07 September 2009

Oh how I miss the days as a kid When your imagination ran wild through your head Friendships held strong, throughout the years The trust has remained, as we laugh with is powerful imaginaion and childhood memeory that remain imprint for ever in the mind. we cherish it when we are alone and enjoy too.... very good write....10 read mine............innocence teacher please..hen laid an eggs

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Gosh you have jogged memories for me too. Just making our own fun with most of the activities you have mentioned. We lived in trees, reading books up there and using imagination so much more than children do now. You have written this so fluently with rhyme and enthusiasm. Thank you. 10 Karin Anderson

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