Chopper Poem by Gayle M. Sunshine O Maize Water Nora Shoshone Doherty Winchester, story song Glen A, Sweeney +


Some nights little Katie wished upon a twinkling star
For a dog to make her fun days shine even brighter.

The starry answer was a dog called an Akita.
Akitas are Japanese and they have thich, warm fur.

When our new dog came to stay his name became Chopper.
That name is a Navy way to say helicopter.

At his old house Chopper was kept on a chain outside.
Now he's family to us and our arms are open wide.

Chopper gives us every bit of his kind, cheerful love.
His four paws are pure white like the sunny clouds above.

His face is black and he looks like a big teddy bear.
He gives his love dearly all of the time everywhere.

Woof, woof strong Chopper says out loud when he gently barks.
He carefully protects us as it gets very dark.

Most of him is deep brown and he has a waggly tail.
With him here there is joy for he makes our spirits sail.

Our Chopper likes to give us his warm, loving kisses
Which are special and afterall one of our wishes.

Chopper really likes to chomp away on a large bone.
It is a treat good for his teeth and is all his own.

Our Chopper is a playful, delightful pup at heart.
When we're together he loves to run, romp, dash and dart.

He often goes to the groomer's for a bubble bath.
Seeing him all wet is so funny it makes us laugh.

Chopper likes to lay down inside the house on the floor.
He guards us by the glass at the open wood front door.

When he gives us his soft white paw he can get a treat.
He knows his surprise jar is a happy spot to meet.

Our Chopper is a dear, very good, wonderful friend.
His heart is a treasure bigger than the blue ocean.

Chopper helps to make our home a place to truely love.
He always likes when we give his white belly a rub.

Chopper can open the deck latch, unlocking the door.
Since he is real smart, I bet he can do a lot more.

Sometimes his head tips a little as he looks at us.
We love him a whole lot and so we have gained his trust.

One sad, long, hard day Chopper simply just disappeared.
We looked and looked but could not find Chopper anywhere.

We put up posters with a picture throughout the town.
It was cold so we were hoping he would come around.

He was gone six nights then a lady called on the phone
To tell us he was in her yard hurt and all alone.

We drove straight to the nice house where Chopper had been found.
He hopped into the van and didn't even fall down.

Just to be safe we had to take Chopper to the vet
Who said he was one of the best dogs he ever met.

Chopper needed care because he had an injured hip.
He is a brave dog and the vet helped him quite a bit.

We bought the good lady who called roses and candy.
First Chopper was brought home where he wagged his tail gladly.

He could hardly move and he couldn't go here and there.
From us all he got a lot of tender loving care.

Katey's sister held water for him in her cupped hand.
We think our Chopper is the greatest dog in the land.

Chopper got better and soon he was as good as new.
He could play with us again so he was happy, too.

Constance K Yost 07 November 2010

A very sweet poem, Gayle. Our pets are good subjects for our writing, I think. Really heartfelt, I enjoyed. Constance

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