Christ Liveth In Me Hallelujah Poem by Gary James Smith

Christ Liveth In Me Hallelujah

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Christ Liveth In Me Hallelujah

Christ liveth in me Hallelujah
Hallelujah Christ liveth in me
For I am saved by the grace of God
And shall live with Him eternally
Sin no longer has domination
Its damnation too is now gone
For my heart has found in Him freedom
And He's given to it a new song

Hallelujah praise God Christ liveth in me
I've a hope that's beyond comprehension
For He who arose again from the dead
Has delivered me from sin's suspension
And gifted by His wonderful grace
My fears have all been relieved
The moment it happened I recall every day
It was the moment that I first believed

Hallelujah I've found Him...I've found my Salvation
For it is in Jesus my Lord
He's everything that you'll ever need
It's all written down in God's Word
He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
The Shepherd, the Resurrection, the Door
The Bread, the Water, the Light of the World
Because of Him that's what Hallelujah's are for!

May you find Him as your Hallelujah
For in what is the delight of your soul
Are you manufacturing an artificial feeling
That you think will give you control
Don't miss out on the love of a Father
Who gave up... His only begotten Son
To bring to you the blessed gift of Salvation
Come be saved by the Crucified One

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright August 26,201911: 06 AM

Gary James Smith

Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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