Cicada's Song Poem by Claudia Krizay

Cicada's Song

That fog at dusk can almost be heard,
As heavy as the thundering of a bass drum.
Night birds beat their wings as gracefully as
A dancer would, with agility
Beneath the light of
Listen to the sounds of the
Cicadas calling in the midday or their
Chanting in the twilight while their plaintive tune resonates throughout the forest-
Dewdrops decorate the surface of the ground and
Only angels can truly see rain in the dead of the night.
Dark days or dismal afternoons,
Foggy and overcast as a sorcerer’s nightmare-
Only the downpours of tears bring universal sorrow-
Rain or tears, the same, never ending …
Naiads weep with the full moon at midnight, for
The rain won’t cease to pour and their tears-
They just keep on falling, to mingle with the moisture
That blankets the surface of the earth-
Sky lightening illuminates the heavens as thunder claps.
God is wakening, opening the skies.
Cicadas carry on
With their cacophonous, though
Dolorous and melodious song, as
The moon disappears behind the mountains,
The rain ceases to fall and the sun rises and
Nature weeps her silent tears of joy.
Fog tip-toes behind the thicket, and
Disappears past the horizon while the
World dances in blissful wakefulness…

Dwi Utami 15 July 2010

hey poet. You dont have a mistaken write, everythng are god: thumb: yes i'know this poem about song, when i'have never so happy with song, but you have so much idea for creat poem, : thumb: i'tink i'must run fastly and become a winner in here...he.he.he god poem of are the poet.

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Michael Harmon 08 August 2009

You are a poet who has found her voice. I am reminded of aspects of a Symbolist poem ('The moon disappears behind the mountains, ') and those of an Imagist poem ('Fog tip-toes behind the thicket') . This seems a successful blending of the two, while still being contemporary. I admire your work.

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