Cigarette Or suicide
It is better to smoke than to hang from ceiling,
Suicide is a misleading idea, abrupt,
No taste of success or futility,
Smoking is a slow death,
Death is ever slow and a process,
Death never happens all on a sudden,
Sudden death is not worth dying.
I had an option open to me,
to die like a thunderstorm,
Like a sudden clash of thunder,
Kicking all life energy out of body
brutally without time and space,
Or to lull the song of death step by step.
Smoking is a silent killing of all blessings,
In the fire of nicotine all talents volatilize,
Death happens all the time slowly and silently,
Birth is a process of death -
through birth death happnes,
Life is not a process,
It is a revelation and revolution.
One has to create life through Love,
Rare and invincible in this planet,
Ever present yet untouched,
Death is inbuilt and interwoven
in our deathless Being.
The Sun is setting and rising simultaneously,
Death should be given
such Peerage as life demands,
As it is the end of glorious bouquet
of Dreamy Delight.
When life is not worth Living,
only death is an option left
to be taken with a serious note,
It is better to subdue the tenacity
of committing suicide --
ugly form of ultimate demise.
If smoking is an antidote,
It is better to recourse on its footless fetter,
Thought it is painless to die
with sudden fright,
It is not worthy to get suicide.
Suicide is not credited by any means,
Rather sweeter is it to die by immolating
each and every iota of proficient esprit by smoking Or making oneself oblivious
Of his eternal intent.
It is better to smoke than to hang from
unfortunate Ceiling,
Though smoking is a painful killing
of all talents and eternal boon.
@Prabir Gayen
12: 48 am/Sunday 23 July,2023.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem