~city~ 3 Versions Poem by Sinnaminsun Sinnaminsun

~city~ 3 Versions

I've been there...
Where the streets buzz with yellow hornets,
hunting and devouring willing ants.
I've been to the top of two mountains,
now slain by a monster... Invisible, until destruction shown
its ugly, cowardice face.
I remember seeing a black, young man
in a black, tattered garbage bag.
...in a garbage bag, And under that, nothing.
I still see him in passing dreams...Collapsing, on the streets
of Manhattan.


version 2
I've been there...
Where street-buzzing hornets
devour willing ants,
I've been a'top two mountains
Now slain by a monster
I never saw coming.
I've seen death
Upon the face of a young black man
enclothed in a tattered-black garbage bag
...a garbage bag,
I still see him in passing dreams
Collapsing on the streets
of Manhattan.
sinnaminsun (revised 2009)

3rd version...hopefully the last one
I've been there...
Where street-buzzing hornets
devour willing ants,
I've been a'top two mountains
now slain by a monster
I never saw lurking.

I've seen death crawling
upon a young black man,
enclothed in nothing but a garbage bag
...a garbage bag
I still see him in passing dreams,
Collapsing on the streets
of Manhattan.

Tears In Rain 03 December 2005

This is a very cool account of The City. It's been awhile, but I also remember the view from atop those mountains and the buzz of the hornets through day and night.

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