Codegreen Poem by Ted L Glines


by Ted L Glines

Reduce - Recycle - Repair
the code of Green everywhere

Reduce the use of resources dwindling
stop the greed of corporate swindling
no need for killing our Mother Earth
save what we can for our grandkid's birth
we know there's a limit to oil in the ground
renewable power is already found
on top of the list of things we don't need
are wasted resources - Wall Street greed.

Recycle those products - don't throw them away
yesterday's plastic makes new things today
newspapers - phonebooks - pulp from our trees
recycle them now - save a forest - please
don't send to the dump those aluminum cans
another landfill doesn't fit in our plans
don't waste the resources of our Mother Earth
your laziness never was viewed with mirth.

Repair the damage we've done to our planet
plant new forests - and carefully plan it
clear the toxic wastes from the sea
and make it a pleasant place to be
cleanse the air and the ozone layer
a whole new game - and you are a player
we need your help - begging your pardon
to undo our spoilage and make this a garden.

Author's Notes: Recently, on Meet The Press, a lady activist from Kenya addressed those who would stand back helplessly (lazily?) and do nothing because they feel their help would not make a difference. She told the story of the hummingbird. There was a forest fire in Kenya. All of the animals ran out of the forest to escape the flames. Then they all stood and watched helplessly as their forest home burned. The hummingbird also was watching. The hummingbird cocked his head and flew away to a lake where he scooped up some water in his beak, and he flew to the forest and dropped his beakfull of water on the fire. Then the hummingbird flew back to the lake and got another beakfull of water and carried it to dropp on the fire. All of the animals watched and laughed at the hummingbird, and they yelled, 'Hummingbird ... what do you think you are doing? ' As the hummingbird flew by them on his way with another beakfull of water for the fire, the hummingbird answered, 'I am doing what I can.'

Ted L Glines

Ted L Glines

Long Beach, California USA
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