Come And Enjoy God's Word Poem by Gary James Smith

Come And Enjoy God's Word

Come And Enjoy God's Word

Come and enjoy God's Word
Find out what you've been missing all along
The Holy Spirit will attend to your reading
And will gently lead you on
God has superintended its writing
So it's covered in Holiness
Exposing sin as to its very beginning
And to its consequences at the end no less

How do I get faith you may ask
Well friend your faith will begin to grow
For faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God
The Bible tells me so
The greatest thing that God loves to share
Is that how He has dealt with sin
And as you continue to read God's Word
That truth will gradually sink in

Don't let your reading over task you
Read at your leisure my friend
Here a little...there a little
Until you come to each chapter's end
It's good to pray before you read
God bless Your Word to my heart
Help me to find the faith to believe
And from any sin to depart

Help me Lorď to understand the truth of it
I really want to know
If it's possible to know that my sins can be forgiven
And to the saving of my soul
Your Word has staying power
Proof that it's Heaven sent
You said that it would abide forever
That for the soul's of lost men it was lent

Your Word is going to judge us
How important to know its worth
And of Jesus's declaration of the truth
That man must have a Spiritual birth
'Ye must be born again'
Was the utterance of our Saviour
And except ye repent ye shall likewise perish
These are the words that we should savor!

He arose and lives today!
As a testimony to His Word
Wise is the man who owns up to his own sin
Repents and turns to the Lord...
Put your name on the empty tomb
I'm so and so and I believe!
Because Lord I have put my faith and trust in You
I know I will eternally live! ! !

What a way to celebrate Easter..
And celebrate it to perfection!
He arose...hallelujah Christ arose!
Our blessed Lord and our Resurrection!
I've already arisen from my death
For now...hallelujah...I'm alive in Him!
And you too... can do likewise my friend
If you will repent and turn from your sin!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright April 3 2021 7: 26 AM

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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