Communism Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems


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Common ownership
In proletarian state,
Common share in work
In need-devised rate;
No idle privileged class
To impale toiling race
To perpetual poverty's vice.

All are born with hands
To work for common good;
Every man is tall,
Taller than inner strains
As a cog in commune's wheel
And oils his lever on need
From the commune's common care.

All live as statistics
On strength and bonds
Of proletarian brotherhood
As comrades,
As friends in common cause
Of an unending war
‘Gainst moneyed bags
With historical hates in heart
To ravage the past,
To quell all divides,

To restore pristine oneness
By fierce force,
By blood curdling violence,
And elimination somehow
Of reactions
To popular upsurges
In gun-points and deaths;
Blood for blood
To prove history right,
To survive class struggle
In political craft.

But, alas, what a tragedy!
What an end, and what are the means!
A precipitate act
In tears for poor!
For common good!
Blood-shed to curdle the milk of pure love!
Bottomless hate!
An incessant war for prosperous peace!

Collective will, collective welfare
In contemn for private intellect,
To mark karl Marx's intellect
That forces artifice on history's normal course.
Doctrines pit men for murderous wars
Behind battlelines of Karl Marx's freaks
In passionless passions;
No wet hearts lead,
But blind faith in borrowed thoughts
In bonded mind
Rape nature's course,
Indeed in tears for downtrodden poor,
Indeed in love for the victims of guile.

But, how spilled blood and bonded mind,
How hatred filled in heartless acts
Wash the crass sin of blood-sucking innocence
And dawn the age of collective welfare!

Sadiqullah Khan 19 March 2010

Thought and knowledge. Well explained.10

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