Complete And Utter Mental Dyslexia... Again Poem by Audrey Stephenson

Complete And Utter Mental Dyslexia... Again

I am in an utter state of mental dyslexia.
You come along and blind my senses,
yet when you’re around,
I’m brought to a point of the utmost clarity.

I am not at all sure of who, or what I love.
We sit and tease about how similar we appear to be,
but our differences are so incredibly apparent.

Oil or water,
whatever we could be compared to,
when we are shaken up,
we linger with one another.

In time, love, we repel, and become separated.
But in the mean time,
we slide and slither through ourselves.

Sometimes I think I may only love myself,
but I now figure that it’s not myself I love,
but the one who shows myself,
whomever that may be.
And however silly or unbearable myself seems to be,
the one I love stands with me and runs his fingers through my greasy hair.

Does the grease stain you?
Do I leave a mark as you have left me aching for you?
Are you me?
Or are you who you are?

All I really understand is that for the time being,
I am truly happy when you stop by.

Gregory Collins 06 June 2008

(when we are shaken up, we linger with one another) , mingled by being scattered, built so it can escape, i truly truly like this line audrey, well bravo done

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