Confession Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems


Destiny walked me through thorns,
Dragged through rocks, forced through fires,
Led blindfold through wild twists and turns,
Raised up to dropp me deep to hell,
Inflicted deep wounds I never deserved,
I bled, I bled, and I bled lifeless
And destiny poured lime to fill my grave.

I was led in leash where destiny felt fit;
With trust in heart and gentleness of soul,
With faith in god and goodness of world,
I followed the lead to unspeakable grief
Of unbearable pains, of terminal wounds
To spirit and soul, to my pride and ego
And died slow death, desolate and lost.

I thought not destiny so merciless be,
I dreamed not my life so shattered blows;
No wrong I did, in scruples I moved,
I laboured a lot in pursuit of ends;
But destiny threw fires to burn live hopes
And tricked my course to suit its goal
As never I saw it so radical in works.

A lion I lived, but to pack of wolves,
Fate threw me to howl and growl like them
And fight with them for crumbs of flesh;
I bore that fall and lived my share,
I shunned mane and stopped my roar
To find my place and survive in peace;
But destiny had road laid on different course.

Alien as I was, wolves hounded me,
Chased, quarreled and distanced me,
Tore my pride, hurt and wounded me,
Made me an outcast in the wolves' pack;
But ordained to live, I lived that
And met affront from small and big
And lived in pain that tore my soul.

Destiny while pursues, no cruelty matches its
As destiny opens up, no prosperity matches its;
I lived low and quiet within narrow bounds
To shun the vagaries abound all round;
How dare I deceive fate with my easy ways!
Destiny had its tool ready to strike me,
It lifted me high higher only to fell to hell.

I discovered my gifts, I discovered my treasures,
I discovered where lies my innermost pleasure,
And destiny cast that afront at arm's length;
I rose to the sky, I danced with joy,
I found myself in unprecedented high;
No more usual low, no more narrow bounds,
Dreaming huge breaks, I roamed sky high.

Destiny knew time, where and how to strike
And it struck hard with all furious might;
I woke up with rude shock, heard cries around;
All my gifts and treasures I deeply cherished,
I found shattered and thrown all around,
Maimed, disfigured, broken, looted, destroyed,
I found myself broke in losing battleground.

I fell deep to hell, my gifts and treasures broke
And crippled from fate's each merciless stroke;
My confidence broke, but I never gave up hope,
I strived to stand upfront and prove my real worth,
But alas, how to swim upstream against cruel fate?
Yet I swim and swim till my limbs fail
And die on time's lap as a failed soul.

Why me destiny lapped up for the cruel course,
Perchance I never know, nor any other soul;
While showers gentle mercy on good and bad alike,
Destiny struck hard my soul, mind, heart and body
Till I fell lifeless in pain, shame and indignities
And froze in dark womb of utter helplessness
And melted to nothingness in endless darkness.

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