Congressional Puppeteers Poem by Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)

Congressional Puppeteers

It is hard to say
What I actually think about that Arab land
It not about the people because they were okay
There is one thing I do not understand
Why are we still here?
That is the real question
We are like puppets being used by our Congressional Puppeteers.
This is what brings the most of my frustration.
They don’t seem to care about my lost and dying buddies that were left behind
These are the things that will bring the painful memories
That will never escape my mind
I can still hear those Muslim Masque melodies
Only if they knew
What it was like to be in this so called Terrorist war,
It seemed like we were being watched like monkeys in a zoo
Should I have to say more?
Either way I still serve my country with pride
Even thou this is like a place called hell
I just wish our elected leaders was there by my side
Then they finally feel what is like to hear a dying buddy’s yell

By Frank Pulver April 22,2013

Ambrosia A 08 May 2013

You are one great soul, feeling for other's pain. Even I had been to gulf countries, we are none to correct others, when we have so much to correct our self. that too at the cost of life of innocent people, specially women and children.Politics sucks. The day all politicians are removed, earth will feel like heaven.

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Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)
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