Consumers Of Life. Poem by Black Consciousness Poetry BCP

Consumers Of Life.

We are sick and we have to acknowledge that. We are sick and we will die of it because we created it, we have allowed others to create it for us, we have paid for it. From making virus and paying for anti viruses, no it's not in program form for our personal computers only, but it is inside us, from HIV to Cancer. Ebola to the Zika virus, we have come up with these stuff, human beings are the worst of the living things on earth. From our labs to our pharmacies we would kill the poor with all the diseases and the drugs because they will be the first to receive these and will pay the price for their death. We are perpetuating our own death and that of our people in the name of what? And in whose name? We wear clothes made literally from the bloody deaths of others in swear shops in Bangladesh, Japan, China and God knows where else. Yes we do, the same way we have sugar that was watered with stains of blood of those that farm it, don't even ask about GMO food or whatever else when you don't even ask about the process of the clothes you wear.

Consumers we are and we will soon enough have to consume each other or ourselves if we have haven't already begun. After we have consumed and then killed all the life in the sea with our overconsumption and pollution, after we have farmed and destroyed all the land with our chemicals, after we have polluted all the air we breathe, we will have to then face the fact that we cannot eat money. We need to wake up soon or die in numbers.

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Consumers Of Life.
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