Corruption Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English


Classless is corruption,
Like leprosy, plague and AID
And catches all and sundry
Who comes in contact with
Without the armour of moral spine
To guard their soul from turpitude;
Class sensitive though is it,
And flows from above
Like Ganga, Sindu, Brahmaputra
To fertile the plain downwards
And join the sea of discontent;
Indeed, corruptio optimi pessima,
Corruption from the above
Corrupts absolutely,
Submerges honest lives
In unfair unjust threats
By sieging from all sides
Without a vent to escape,
And perforce all cooperate.

Corruption is sheer corruption,
Outside any frame of law,
And outside honest discretion;
A hydra-headed monster,
A poisonous worm ‘neath wraps;
Corruption infects faster than plague,
Corruption does plague worse than leprosy
And spreads a blot deeper than AID
In life and death, in moral fabric;
Corrupt one once, corrupt forever.

Corruption breeds in selfishness,
Corruption feeds on democratic mores
As hidden deals and lobbying at large,
Where supply and demand does mismatch;
Election perforce is its playing ground;
Corruption does live billion repeat lives
And splits pure milk by a single drop;
It leads for survival's sake
Billions from the back like a pied piper;
Like Raktabeejasura,
Thousands it sprouts while one is nipped.

Plague, people fear, leprosy, they detest,
AID, they do keep distant forever;
But, come corruption, they accept it as part
Of life and the people surrouning them;
It gains its glamour from the political top,
It gains its respect from the business class,
It tops all lives by bureaucratic swirls
And fills nooks and corners of all life;
Corruption all hates,
But, corruption most follow;
Corruption is self-seeking at whatever cost,
Corruption, bending low for the fastest buck;
Two hands make clap, renders easy deal,
One in greed lends trust entrusted on him
And one borrows recourse illegally to that.

One distances corruption on own peril,
Or accepts and partakes to lubricate a deal;
Choice is simple if survival is first,
And proves how true is survival of fittest.

All crows under heaven are indeed black,
Birds of the like feather flock together;
Corruption does make one single network,
A religion, a race, a class of its own;
Wherever those belong at their roots,
They unite to protect and attack protests,
For, nothing matches profit the corruption brings
And nothing is more hell than corruption exposed.

Corruption has no mercy,
Corruption, kindless,
A contagion at roots;
Corruption, anti-human,
Corruption, anti-social,
It denies rightful vents to the worthy ones,
And refuses fairness, it refuses equalness,
Corners spurs to ones those who only pay.

Corruption is infirmity born with man,
It builds little walls between human clan;
Corruption is satan waiting on open plain,
To ruin human's rise wherever it can.

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