Cosmic Glow Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Cosmic Glow

Hidden in clouds, or behind nights,
Sun never loses its heavenly light;
However far you sail through sky,
Inexhaustible is its sublime height.

Count the stars spread all over the sky,
All life not suffices to count them all;
So is my love, and her depthless love,
Beyond all vision of the mortal call.

Beyond all depth, height and breadth,
Spreads unbound on all sides her love,
Like the cosmic glow after big bang;
Celestial she is, her heavenly love.

Selfless, no trace of ego in her,
She is pure bundle of love and grace,
Of beauty and joy, of celestial light –
She reaches and stirs the depth of soul.

She comes as spark and lights my worlds,
Within and without in vivid glows;
She fills and builds bridges to souls -
Parched in thirst of each other’s touch.

She’s divine spell of magical depths,
That binds soul, mind, heart and body
To single thread of consummate focus,
That glows me within in celestial bliss.

Gentle like moon light, simple in tone,
Fierce like the sun in devotion within,
She burns like lamp, fills light around,
And finds her peace in joy she gives.

In the cosmic law of ups and downs,
She moved to hell and heaven alike,
More to hell, and longer, worse there,
But never had she lost her diamond core.

In the chaos that is made of this world,
In the darkness that surrounds universe,
She is gentle light, glimmer of true peace -
And life is worth it in spite of its hell.

Wherever she be, and whenever be it,
I constantly feel beacons she flares –
Her soothing calls and comforting light
Leads me ahead to destined goal.

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