Cowboys & Indians Poem by John Howard Davies

Cowboys & Indians

by John Howard Davies 9th. October 2016

Cowboys roping, me not coping heart down on the floor
playing chords, forgetting words that carry tears and more
folks are smiling at me trying to laugh and to restore
this broken dance that's stopped our chance to dance the dance once more

No passion left because of theft of my one and only treasure
a stolen life that now resides in a place that has no measure
we carry on without the songs that made us dance together
now no dancing or no strength of mind can rejuvenate that pleasure

Cowboys roping, me just hoping for a glimpse of me and you
knowing that it's false and fickle and praying just wont do
jumping steers, collective cheers, six guns in their holsters
you'd like Jessie James and his fame to hunt you down and shoot you

Sing to forget on a made up set of drummers, lights and mu so's
at the birthday of an older friend, when my history imposes
my man who takes thin sticks of timber, in hands of solid time
remembers me and what I'd be when you and I were fine

Thundering Bass in perfect place the scream of a Fender Strat.
rising sound that shakes the ground, go forward band, attack!
Release the hounds of hell and brimstone, make sure they're all on time
for me and band of playing soldiers strike chords to counteract

Cowboys riding me still finding traces that you left
bits of writing memories biting deep inside my chest
silver stars and spice filled jars drawings on the table
collected dreams that now all seem totally unstable

A riding Rodeo a careless steer me without you being near
I can't round up or brand my tears on nothing and nobody here
a trip of fantasy in my sleep falls fast away when daylight seeps
reality and all guns blazing another day, another crazing

Cowboys and Indians sing me songs of stars and moonlit rivers a'far
of tall white stallions running proud on sacred ground where they're allowed
tell me stories I've not heard of smokey mountains and pure white birds
beat the drums of peace for me hold my me please

Help the skies above my head where things were done and words were said
where sea sides call was often read now echoes silence there instead
no Cowboy can, no Cowboy will, tie you down and keep you still
No place can show me what we were nothing now just me, not her.

Cowboys & Indians
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