Creators Poem by Randy McClave


The building might be bigger than me
And from its mighty size all can see,
It might be the tallest building in the nation
But, I poured its foundation

The computer might be smarter than I am
It might have more Gigabytes and ram,
But, I created it from a kit
And it was I who put it together and wired it.

The book might be mightier than the sword
It might win the greatest award,
About its power and strength many might speak
But, I the writer am very weak

The music that I play might be the greatest ever heard
The souls of many it might have stirred,
People might sing and chant it in a cheer
But, I am deaf so I cannot hear.

The universe is grand
It was created by God's mighty hand
The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit is three
Then God created us, you and me.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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