Cricket Poem by Pratheek Praveen Kumar


A game famous all over the world,
Adored by millions untold,
A game that in England originated,
But is now in many places played.

Played by eleven players,
Who are judged by two umpires,
It is a game of sublime skill,
That does everyone with joy fill.

A game that has enraptured the world,
It does the affection of many people hold,
It is indeed a very famous game,
That liked by everyone, all the same.

Played by shepherds in afternoons past,
A lot of time does this game last,
Many players have become legends,
And for the popularity of this sport have become agents.

For a hundred years has this game been played,
And many great players has this game had,
But still its popularity is growing more,
And players are adding to its story and lore.

Cricket is the game played by the King of King's,
All people to this great game always clings,
People watch its every ball with ill-concealed excitement,
To most people, this game is truly God-sent.

As each wicket is taken or a boundary is hit, people rejoice,
It is indeed something to hear people's voice,
People always run after cricket with joy on their faces,
Of people gaining fame easily in cricket have been traces.

Cricketers become big heroes if thy are good in the game,
For the people then, God and cricketers are one and the same,
This is the situation of the game, cricket in the world,
Certainly a lot of lives this game has and will mould.

Where a batsman tries not to lose his wicket,
What game can it be but one-against-eleven cricket?
When the ball cuts through and swims in the sky,
Where else onlookers in joy dance and cry? .

Lo, on charges the bowler like a bull,
And throws his ball in anger to kill,
The batsman indeed looks utterly meek,
Scared to death, uncertain and very weak.

When the ball goes soaring high in the air,
Fielders watch it and their hair they tear,
On seeing it speedily falling on the ground,
Fielders run to catch and gather around.

Cricket is a game of batting and bowling,
Of joy and delight or anger and growling.

The game of cricket has a very long and star-studded history,
However, its origins are far lost in the tangle and fog of mystery.

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